Taking place in early January, this event marks the visit by the Three Kings, offering visitors a chance to sample local specialties, such as Rosca de Reyes (crown-shaped bread)
This festival honors the patron saint of Arequipa's Santa Catalina monastery, a miracle-working nun who lived there in the early 17th century.
organized by the International Jazz Association of Peru, with concerts and workshops attracting a number of leading international jazz artists
January 15 marks the foundation of Lima and a wealth of activities center around the Plaza de Armas (Plaza Mayor), including exhibitions relating to the colonial period, outdoor music, dancing, processions and an evening fireworks display
This is a feast to honor the patron saint of Cusco. There are great festivities such as folkloric dances and feasts of local food and fruit.
Late January sees the celebration of the traditional Peruvian dance with this national competition featuring beautiful, brightly colored costumes and intricate steps